Macrophotography - Yellow wildflowers

Hello CCH Community

Hello everyone

Back again with me on this occasion I share a wild flower that I found in the gardens and found it was blooming so it took the moment well.

we don't know which one is beautiful to my eyes and which one is beautiful to your eyes of course we share each picture well and hope we all like it, so for that reason I try to show some pictures. This picture will be a moment for our collection where with different pictures we will know what is better and what is less so that we can gain experience in the future

yellow flowers so that they beautify our eyes. Everyone who looks is of course different in research so that each of us hopes for the best for everyone, therefore, every photography of rare flowers then I show the aim is that we can entertain

In the morning these flowers bloom by themselves and I hope that each of these flowers can make our eyes enjoy it well. We know from these beautiful flowers that the Almighty's creation is so beautiful that we are always grateful for what we are enjoying in this life. Of course. There is a creator, so from each different flower we can experience the uniqueness that is the gift of each existing flower

to all friends who love flowers, of course you will enjoy these flowers with several pictures that you can enjoy well and you can collect which ones will entertain your eyes. Here are the photos.

CameraSmartphone + Macro Lens
CategoryMacro Photography
LocationAceh Utara, Indonesia

Thank you to all friends who have visited my post, I hope you are entertained by all my photos, see you in the next post.
