What A World...

I've had some experiences recently that have just been so profound they escape my ability to articulate.
The odds seem so incredibly astronomical when I think about all of it combined or even just certain individual parts.
I'm going to try to explain some of it in the future, though... It'll just never come even close to how it felt to experience it myself.

Felt kinda like communication with God, or the Divine or the Universe or whatever you wanna call it.
I think some people probably start thinking you're "crazy" when you say stuff like that, yet... It's happened so many times now in the last year or so and actually throughout my whole life if I look back to the point I really am starting to think there's something very real to a lot of these weird sort of spiritual "synchronicities" and things like that.

Love you all, so grateful and thankful I have another day with my parents, the rest of my family and friends and looking forward to hopefully one day being able to tell this beautiful story in more detail. <3

The synchronicities for me have been off the charts.
Out living life with such a happy and grateful heart. :) <3


I don't think you're crazy, I think you're a very sensitive man and you've gotten so close to GOD that you experience what other people can't, so for me you're a lucky man.
I have immense faith in GOD, so I understand perfectly what you are saying since I have also experienced something similar.
I wish you a happy day


Hey! I appreciate that. :) Those are some very kind and meaningful words.
And, yes... "lucky" is a good word, I've associated with that since I was a kid and lost touch with it for a while, but I think it's coming back.

That's interesting you have experienced similar, I'd love to hear more if you're willing to share?
Thanks for the well wishes, I wish you a happy day too! <3
