RE: [Durban Express x Toasted Tangerine] Tester Update #2

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Looking really good bro! I recall a time probably about 15 years ago I had a hermie and tried to pick off the ball sacks and when I went back to check on it the balls came back double fold so I tried to take them off again and the next visit there was even more. My point is just watch the hermie and if it gets worse my suggestion would be to just get rid of it as it will produce seeds and could fertilize the others. Just be careful bro but they are looking awesome!


Thank you brother! And I was worried about that happening too! I've been keeping a pretty close eye on it, and I only noticed a few more pop up since, so hopefully it will be alright cuz I really don't want to lose that baby!

Also, I've been meaning to comment on your recent posts! You pack a lot of great info about your process, and I've been taking a lot of notes! ☺️ I think I'll be ready to start here soon - still getting everything reorganized in my grow tent, but working on getting a dark spot ready for them since they are photo sensitive. The only thing I'm still working on/worried about is the ambient temperature and airflow! Do you think it would work in the tent or no?


I grow mine in a tent so you it should be good! They do need some light but any light will do. I have mine in the basement so it gets cold this time of year so I bought a small space heater that keeps it around 70 in there. And the only airflow I give them is when I check on them in the morning and at night which is when I fan them to get rid of any CO2. I also have an air purifier in there constantly running so if any contaminants gets inside the tent it should take care of them. I hope this helps bro! And thanks for the compliment!


That definitely helps brother, thank you so much! I was currently thinking about building a small "barrier" with cardboard and aluminum foil to help reflect the light, but also provide a light block and airflow resistance as well! The hope was that they would still get some light that they need, but wouldn't get overwhelmed by it. By placing resistance to the airflow, I was hoping to eliminate and foreign contaminates from the plants getting in when I "burped" the monotub!
