Youth music camp

I've been sitting for a half hour trying to recall the last time I saw a live classical music concert, oh yes this summer!
Like a warm welcome to a new city (that's how I imagined it to make it easier for myself).

On a medium-sized stage in the town square, in four rows, all as one.

In fact, a music camp was organized for the second time this summer; otherwise, the event focuses on bringing together all musically talented ages across the country ranging from 12 to 40 years old. Led by the bandmaster sharp movements, whose baton I tried to follow with my eye a couple of times, but my head started spinning when I realized what should be done now, which instrument was being called to step in. A couple of rows of chairs were set up at the very bottom in front of the stage for the elderly, and standing room was available for all other visitors.

Young musicians have the chance to perform in front of various audiences. The camp's musical tour continued further north after the performance in our city, coming to an end in the Hungarian town of Makó.

With the exception of the stage setup and sound system, which I saw during the day, I gathered the majority of the information about the entire event later. a serious organizational flaw given that this is a fantastic story that needs to be promoted much more.

The camp's youngest participant, who plays the drums and is only eight years old, is said to really enjoy performing in front of an audience because he spent the entire night stumbling across the cameras that were flying around the stage.

But I was fascinated by the only polished shoes on stage that night.

That evening, everything from Tchaikovsky to movie music tracks was played. There is something in the air when the notes disperse, so yes, the synergy did indeed please the ears.

The number that caused goosebumps comes from the cult film "The Written Out" (Otpisani), it was composed by Milivoj Mica Markovic and is often performed live. But every time this jazz composition is heard, the reaction is the same - goosebumps. Some people claim that it is an exact replica of Isaac Hayes' song, Theme from the Shaft; are there any similarities? Definitely, with the exception of the tempo difference. One or the other, both are great in their own way, and the track as well as the film itself left an indelible mark in the history of Yugoslavian art.

In fact, it would be wonderful to be in a concert hall right now, focusing solely on rhythm and applauding. But the reality is something different, so I can already see myself folding the dolma in the kitchen and performing a pirouette.

Until the next concert...


I would not make it into the music camp as a musician as I would fail in the upper age limit! Anyway, I would like to listen to them and their playing, maybe my head would be spinning too, but then that dolma from your kitchen ( or an apple strudel) would help me go back to normality 😉

P.S. yes, there are similarities (despite the tempo differences) but the Written out (oh, how weird it is to say it in this version) is much more interesting in the melodic part and brings more drama and details.


You would get in easily, just do not show your ID! 😉

They were good actually, have no idea how long do they spend time together, it's a one thing to play as one and totally other as a group, but why I'm talking that to you hahha.

Eventually I had fun with google speech and our words pronouncing (hilarious), translation is desperate sometimes but that won't change the epic soundtrack and movie itself.

I'm expecting them next year at the same place, plan August I'll find something proper to satisfy your appetite and we can listen them from balcony, no need to burn some extra calories walking down. :D


Hahaha, ok, I will just hide it and try to look fresh and younger - oh, mission impossible lol 🤣

Ooooh, looking and listening to something from the balcony? That sounds so classy :))) 🎶


Will you stop arguing with me at least once?

Woman! :p


Youth orchestra huh?... Lol, reminds me of the old days. The cringey days

But wow! This surely looks like it was quite the concert! I love the lighting and everything! So... How you say.... Overly Dramatic!Then again, they played Tchaikovsky so...👀

so I can already see myself folding the dolma in the kitchen and performing a pirouette.

Oh, you dabble in ballet? Because... That would surely be a sight to see XD


Oh, you dabble in ballet? Because... That would surely be a sight to see XD

Indeed, would look similar to this.

I guess they meant the spirit more than the age when it comes to youth, do not creep out :D It was certainly a nice event for a summer evening.
