Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #781 - by Allmonitors

#781 - Nature Shots for Tuesday.

A wonderful Tuesday evening fellow beloved Hiveans. There's a rally of drivers who are driving old models of jeeps. This is their second day and there's some part of the metropolitan wherein it's slightly felt. The organization of drivers does not represent the majority of the drivers but they did managed to impede the traffic flow for a bit. Their concern is that they do not want to consolidate their jeep franchises because it could affect their ownerships something like that. Their deadline I believe is this end of the month and if they are still unable to consolidate they will be tagged as colorum and the vehicles may get impounded and licenses confiscated maybe.

For our daily shots we have here three photos of me holding on to some varieties of Bidens Pilosa plant which is a common kind of weed that's abundantly growing in anyone's background. This is a very resilient kind of flowering plant because it keeps growing in the meadows even after a long drought. Seeing these plants in a large area and at the same time producing those tiny white and yellow flowers is pleasing to the eyes.

The first two photos show that I am holding on to some flowers and at the same time those old flowers that have withered away already and has turned to seeds and which are ready to be detached and propagated. If there's a strong wind these seeds could be blown away a few inches away from where the plant is.


And then we have several shots of the flowers which I saw during an afternoon walk in there river which I frequently go to for walks and jogging. These kinds of weeds that bear flowers is what makes a meadow beautiful because it gives color and vibrance at the same time also feeds the insects, a whole balance ecosystem.





Then these last three images show a critter which I seldom see, I only get to see this kind of insect in the province where there is technically a large areas of grassy lands there but didn't expect that this insect also thrives and existing in the metropolitan. Hopefully its population will increase as long as the grassy areas here in the river will not be affected because right now there's already an ongoing renovation in the river which is also killing the green weeds. The critter is not a bee but some kind of a wasp I think.



Follow me on my nature travels.
Shot taken in Marikina city, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Samsung Z5 flip phone. ~rex
