Hive Philippines Street Photography #759 - by Allmonitors

#759 - Monochrome Wednesday.

Greetings this evening fellow Hivers. Yesterday afternoon after my shift ended I went out even though it's still sunny so I could jog somehow near the river. Brought my shades and earphones to I could listen to music while on the way walking. Then arrived there and the sun is still hot 😆, nonetheless I started to increase my pace a bit while jogging. I completed atleast six kilometers but my sweat eventually dried up fast because there's a strong wind in the meadows that is blowing in different directions. There's also other people like kids out there already playing while some just spent time in the open perhaps they wanted to be outdoors. Then in the evening the wife was having a hard time booting her laptop for almost an hour but eventually it worked.

Now for our daily shots we have here several monochrome shots and this first one is showing a scene of several people on the road. One is walking with his backpack while another man on the left is standing still beside a jeepney with his jeans folded somehow. Then there's also a young mother carrying her baby on the right side. Those two person are somehow busy with their phones.


A group of young women are in the street just about to completely cross the street. There's one carrying a folded umbrella just a precaution in case the rain falls during the day.

A long sign beside the boat rental in Burnham park which reminds everyone to follow. Simple enough to obey these rules while on the boat, right?

A young father seems to be having a difficulty carrying her young daughter and also an envelope while also carrying an umbrella. Multitasking indeed. The child could be tired already hence she insisted to be carried by her old man.😄

A scene along the road where there's plenty of stalls that offer cheap fart food that those people who are on the go can easily have while on the road just like what we are seeing now.

Follow me on my street travels.
Shot taken in Baguio City, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Panasonic Lumix ZS110. ~rex
