When was the last time you went out of your comfort zone, and what did you accomplish? Good day, I'm from Ukraine!

Google said that the comfort zone is a living space in which you feel safe, both psychologically and physically. Well, that is, you live your normal life and know what awaits you further in life.

In general, ideally, this post would be finished and ready if I just wrote "Good day, I'm from Ukraine!" and that's it. But only the residents of Ukraine would understand this and laugh. Because we haven't known what a comfort zone is for a long time.


I will try to tell and explain everything in order. First, there is a full-scale war in my country. And this already creates certain problems. I will not write now about the horrors that are happening in our country. I will write more about the same comfort zone, what difficulties arise and how I personally cope with it and what I have achieved success in.

The first thing that immediately comes to mind is prepared for various extreme situations that can occur at any moment. And you need to be ready for it. Therefore, I have a supply of various non-perishable foods, a supply of drinking water in sealed bottles, a supply of food for my dogs, and also a supply of various medicines. And I always buy something extra. You know, I now understand the constant supply of all kinds of canned food at my grandmother's.


All this is necessary in order to simply not die of hunger in case of occupation or something similar. That is, with this method, I am preparing to not find myself in a critical situation and to get out of my comfort zone as much as possible.

And now about what I face every day and somehow learned to live with it - power outages and the inability to plan my life normally. The fact is that the occupying forces decided to additionally destroy the critical infrastructure of our country. It includes systems that provide the population with electricity.

Because of this, we have blackout schedules to give everyone an even chance to live with the light and not overload the system in general to avoid additional accidents. To be honest, the graphics are pretty bad at times, because again, there are attempts to kill the system, as well as crashes.

Ideally, if there are no problems, I have electricity for 9 hours a day. Here it is important to clarify that the graphs work in modes 3 through 6. That is, there is electricity for 3 hours, and there is no electricity for 6 hours. And therefore the period with light is constantly changing. Today I should have no light from 3 to 9 p.m. That is, my working day will not be full. For a better understanding, I will show a graph from the website of the company that distributes electricity.


Where there are dark squares, there is absolutely no light, where there are grey - 50/50%, that is, if there is an opportunity, it will be turned on during that interval. And white squares guarantee the presence of light. However, the schedules do not give a 100% guarantee, because, in the event of accidents or massive missile attacks, the system goes into emergency shutdown mode. It has already happened that, for example, my entire region (the largest in Ukraine) was without electricity for almost three days due to shelling and destruction.

I hope I clearly described the situation. And now I move on to the next part. As you can see, I need to invest in three hours of electricity availability. This includes - work and household chores. And you know, today I have already learned how to cope with it. But the big plus here is that I have a gas stove at home, as well as a centralized water supply and heat. For example, in new high-rise buildings, absolutely everything runs on electricity - electric stoves, heating and water also depend on it.

Therefore, I can cook food at any time and not sit in a cold apartment in winter. But there are problems with the hot water, in our apartment, it depends on the boiler, which runs on electricity. I can wash the dishes with the remains of the water heated in them, but it is problematic to take a shower or take a bath.

So, I have already worked out a certain scheme of work so as not to be left in complete darkness and without the things I need. First, I almost always have all my gadgets connected to the network, so that in the event that electricity is supplied at night, they can be charged. I also have three power banks to charge phones.

And I charge all this in those three hours. In order not to be complete without lighting, I have a garland that runs from a power bank, as well as a small lamp. It works from its own battery, and when it is discharged, it uses ordinary batteries.

So, for those three hours, I just charge everything. Also, during this period, I do housework that requires electricity - I turn on the laundry, prepare a supply of coffee, which I put in a thermal cup, and freeze products so that they can be stored longer. In parallel with all this, I still manage to work and download movies/series to have something to watch during the blackout.


Of course, three hours is not enough for work, so after a power outage, I just turn on Wi-Fi from my phone and work using the mobile Internet. And at the same time, I try to adhere to time management as much as possible and do everything quickly and efficiently so as not to completely discharge the laptop.

In conclusion, I can say the following - I left my comfort zone almost a year ago. Namely, February 24, 2022, at 4 o'clock in the morning. Since then, I don't know what tomorrow will be like and what awaits me. Problems with electricity started sometime in October and became another test for everyone. Is it difficult for me? Of course, it is difficult. Do I give up? Never. All these months I understand one simple thing, it is better to die free than to live in slavery. Without internet, communication, electricity, water or heat, but free. Therefore, I will survive these hardships, but I will never survive if my country surrenders and loses this war.


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Hola @alexandra.lokki. Realmente saliste de tu zona de confort, hace mucho tiempo. Sé que van a lograr superar este gran desastre. No se puede ser feliz o vivir confortable, sabiendo que tienes a tu lado al enemigo tratando de acabar con todo lo que se ha logrado en años, con tan solo lanzar un misil. Siento muchísimo respeto y admiración por ti. Amiga, mi salida de la zona de confort mís no se compara jamás con tu caso. Cada quien lo tiene diferente, pero veo que estás preparada como lo dice la blusa que llevas puesta en tu foto de perfil. ¡Eres una Supermujer! Saludos, un placer conocerte y mis mejores deseos. Estoy a tu orden. Vivo en Buenos Aures Argentina. Saludos, y Cariños. "Que la fuerza de Dios los acompañe" 😍

Hi @alexandra.lokki. You really got out of your comfort zone, a long time ago. I know you are going to make it through this big mess. You can't be happy or live comfortably, knowing that you have the enemy next to you trying to wipe out everything you have achieved in years, just by launching a missile. I have a lot of respect and admiration for you. My friend, my leaving my comfort zone never compares to your case. Everyone has it different, but I see that you are ready as the blouse you are wearing in your profile picture says, you are a Superwoman! Greetings, nice to meet you and best wishes. I am at your service. I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Greetings and love. "May God's strength be with you 😍.


Hello @numa26. In fact, any exit from the comfort zone is an important step for everyone. I just had to do it against my own will. But everyone who decided to change something in their life and accepted the challenge deserves attention and respect.
And, in the case of what, I did not try to measure it with anyone. Just reading the name of the competition made me feel a little funny because I had completely forgotten about this definition all this time. I decided to share my story so that others can see that even in such a terrible situation, you can try to live and adapt to any situation.
It so happened that I already forgot what life was like "before". Without limitations, without risk, without fear and everything that surrounds now. I remember only the evening of February 23, and then one very long day, which has been going on for almost a year. Everything that happened before seemed to be in another life.
And thank you very much for your support! I know that your country also helps us and it is extremely nice! Therefore, I thank Argentina from the entire Ukrainian people ❤️


So sorry for the fact some lunatic is causing the war and so much situations you dont want to be in. The only thing i can say is stay safe and i hope that the war will be over soon.
The BRIT food i use for my dogs aswell so thats a coincidence.
From me a 100 % vote for you and the effort
Thank you for the insight in the country and your living situation , and your honesty and YOUR entry this week to the contest i am judging this week, I hope you had fun with the questions, i know i have had that reading it. See you in the comments or in the community 1
Good luck and see you again in the community


Thank you so much for your comment and support. This BRIT food is the only one that does not cause allergies in my dog.
I really liked the question and wanted to share my story so that others could see that even in such a case you can live peacefully and you don't need to be afraid of any challenges that exist in the world.
I will definitely join the next contests if there is something to write :) thanks again!


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It breaks my heart to read daily about the things the people of Ukraine are experiencing. I believe your country will prevail and rebuild! I truly do hope this is all over soon and your country can be free again. You are brave and strong!


Thank you so much for your comment and support! I believe in our victory and hope that it will happen as soon as possible. If there were no human losses, we can get used to everything.
But we will cope with everything :)


From my point of view, the whole world is at war, only that each country experiences it differently. In my country the war is economic, against the people, but at least I can go out in the streets and walk freely. I can't even imagine what you must be going through and how they are defending themselves from that situation over there, I'm so sorry. A phrase from "Mafalda" says: "If the cowards who decide wars had to go and fight them, we would all live in peace", I agree with her. But really who has the strongest battle are the common citizens, and it is up to us to survive the disaster. From Venezuela I send you my best wishes and I hope the war ends soon, in harmony for all. Best regards.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


It seems to me that the whole world is in a state of suicide. Somewhere there are wars in the literal sense and murders, somewhere, like yours, economic wars, somewhere ecological disasters (like yesterday in Turkey). If everyone learned to live in love and peace, it would be the best life!
Thank you! I wish you all the best!


That's right my friend, that would be wonderful! Thank you for your good wishes, I wish you the best too.


I don't know what to say to somehow lighten up what you're going through right now but this article is an inspiration!You have such a strong spirit despite the hardships and trials you're going through. I just hope and pray that all these will be over soon with everyone safe and sound! And, these all shall pass!
God bless Ukraine🙏
