Wednesday Walk: Trying sushi for the first time 🍣. Kame Sushi Restaurant ⛩️


Hello everyone! This experience was on Wednesday of last week. what better way to share it than with #WednesdayWalk. I made the decision to test my palate, my tastes. Previously, it didn't even cause me any doubts, it just said, "NO, THANK YOU."

But this month I thought, what if I'm missing out on something really good, just by thinking, what if I don't like it?

From what I thought, what if I do like it?

Here we go...


The restaurant that was recommended to me for sushi for the first time is called Kame Sushi. It is located on Bolívar Avenue on Margarita Island, near the sea. On the walls I could see beautiful murals in which a mixture of koi fish, octopus, rolls, ohashi was made.


As a welcome drink they offered us a super refreshing passion fruit mojito and not excessive.


Of course, I asked the waiter who attended me for suggestions and obviously he commented that he had not tried Sushi before, so I asked them to advise me on which one I could try to start in this world, which for me until now was raw fish.

They recommended me:

Tiger roll and Avocado roll

Tiger roll: Of course, when these roles were indicated or recommended to me, I asked them to tell me more or less what they contained, they told me it was salmon, avocado and tempura cream cheese.

On the other hand, the avocado roll contained nori seaweed crab meat avocado covered with sesame seeds on the outside which gave it a very different touch in terms of flavor


the first challenge for me was to learn to use the ohashi or the chopsticks it was very difficult at first the first two roles I tried to grab them with the chopsticks and I couldn't so I took them with my hands and the next thing I knew that this was really a different day so try your best to use them.


until the third attempt I was finally able to do it, it was very exciting because the first thing I did was grab it from the plate and take it directly to my mouth and the next time I grabbed it, ohashi took the role and dipped it in the sauce and eat.



The truth is that I am very satisfied with this new attempt to test my palate. It was very tasty. The mixture of flavors was fantastic.
what I was able to learn because of this you don't have to be afraid of anything without having tried it even once not because of what people say you have to create your own criteria.


Thank's @tattoodjay very much for creating this community and allowing us to know what Wednesdays are like in different countries indistinctly from any corner of the world we can learn many interesting things also wishing your wife a speedy recovery I send you many good vibes and have a great week


Se ve delicioso!!

yo he probado algunos que otros sushi, debo decir que me prefiero la pizza, pero igualmente es un platillo que disfruté.


La verdad considero que no seria mal comer sushi cada tanto. La mezcla agridulce fue mi favorita.


Las salsa de los sushi siempre es muy rica
