The hum of giant resin bees in the Lhok Gajah Valley before dusk
That afternoon it was 6 pm. I was still in the Lhok Gajah Valley, Kuta Makmur, North Aceh, and was about to go home. But suddenly I heard the buzzing of bees among the grass.
Later, I saw a giant resin bee (Megachile sculpturalis) perched on a dry twig. I carefully approached while pointing my phone camera at the bee.
I immediately backed away slowly after taking a few photos. But suddenly another one came and perched there. They become a pair.
Are they male and female? Or are they both brothers? I have no idea.
But because it was almost dusk, my shots were less than optimal because the atmosphere was getting dimmer.
I concluded that this kind of bee only calms down near dusk. They perch on grass or dry twigs, perhaps to rest. I came back again the next day. But I didn't find them anymore. Maybe they have migrated somewhere else.