Recent Best Shots / 最近のいい写真


Around three months ago, I shared my best shots. Here are those I took in the last three months with the SONY ZV-E10, which we bought last year.

The photo on top is my favorite. Tomato plants look outside wishing spring/summer comes soon.

I continue taking most of the photos in my kitchen and micro balcony next to it. Food and plants are my passion 😉 Here are my photos of last three months.

Food food food

I was trying to figure out which percentage of whole wheat works best for focaccia. The photo shows different consistency.

Mandarin rice I found tasty this winter. Just cook a mandarine and rice with a pinch of salt ...

I was so happy when I found Bimi at an Italian shop. I wanted to capture this spring vivid green.

Simple clear beer photo I took to participate in Beer Saturday.

Tiny details

The reason we bought the camera even I have good camera on iPhone is that it cannot capture the tiny detail well. I'm really happy that now I can capture small details I see.

Strawberries were about to coming out. Look at the hairs on stems!


Like the photo on top of the post, think I start capturing stories in photos, still I have to practice a lot though. I enjoy silent morning in my micro balcony with a cup of coffee.

I should have removed the packages in the background, but the photo below shows my daughter and me doing indoor BBQ well when she was sick and couldn't go out.


After I had struggle to take full moon photo last week, I decided to read "National Geographic Photo Basics" I bought last year more intensively next month and practice the techniques I learn.

I will see how I improve my photo skills 😊 That's it!

Have a nice week everyone 📷


Best Shots


Macrophotographs of plants turned out to be interesting. Fuzzies )).


Yes. I certainly saw them but with a camera I pay more attention to details :)
