RE: Sharing some specialty coffee with friends. This Anaerobic coffee is packaged in a bottle!

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The Urban Embassy coffee shop is located in a small garage in the center of the city and the packaging of their coffees has always been “alternative” and eco friendly. Their coffees come in these glass bottles, and when you return your empty bottle, you have a discount on uour bext coffee.

What an extraordinary way to do business so that everyone wins!
One of the things I don't like about the cafes in my city is their preference for disposable cups. I think it's time for us all to think more about environmental conservation. I think it's great to use glass bottles, since glass is inert. It wouldn't hurt to protect that bottle from direct light.

Beautiful post, beautiful cup, beautiful photos.


Of course no one carries his transparent bottle full of beans in his hand on the streets. 😁 All the time we use to put the coffee we buy in our bags. When you are at home, you can easily put the bottle in a dark place.

I like a lot the approach of these people about the packaging of coffee and I think this has to be some sort of norm in the modern world where we tend to put everything in plastic bags.

Thanks for the nice comment!
