WE131: My Precious & Helpful Item

What is the most helpful thing you own and why do you think so? Your phone and computer are excluded

Often when you think about something, you tend to only think about the positive aspects of it. However, that can lead to disappointment when the positive aspects are not as big as you think. When we only focus on the positive, we often overlook what is actually happening.

A lot of people have asked me this question several time what is the most helpful item I own apart from my phone and I’ve to think about this for a while, I'm glad for the opportunity to participate in this great theme and to give my response to the question above. I can't just imagine living without my smartphone. I know that sounds strange, but it's true. I use my phone for everything. I use it for work, for school, for social media, for everything!

I admit that technology has taken over our lives, and I don't think anyone can do without their smartphone but there are still some things that are more important. One of these things is hygiene. As a busy person, it can be difficult to wash your face and brush your teeth every day. This is where I rely on a simple item that has been around for centuries: water.

It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of a good water bottle. I don't know what I would do without my water bottle. I use it for everything from working out to carrying around my laptop to simply filling up on the go. I use mine every single day and I'm not the only one who relies on their water bottle. I've seen some pretty cool water bottles out there but I've also seen some that are just plain ugly.😂

Why water ?

I rely on water because it is always there for me. Infact in our old neighborhood we find it so difficult to get a good water, we always went far like 10miles to get our drinking water and that makes me realize not every places you can find a drink water. Apart from that if you remember there was a time that people in a village I served are suffering from good water, I ask for help from hive blockchain and with the help of people here and @guiltyparties two boreholes was repaired for the villagers to have access to good water.
At that time I get use of water bottle, I take it everywhere because there is no good water. I can't just imagine not to have good water to cook, cleaning, and other household tasks. If I were to ever run out of water, I would go out of my way to find a new source. Water is a helpful item that I rely on every day.


THE WEEKEND community and @Galenkp the founder, I really appreciate your effort in bringing up those beautiful theme every week. I hope you all enjoy the reading. Thank you all for your support..

I am adedayoolumide, I like writing about Cryptocurrency, finance related topics and gardens. I write out my heart with pen and I always admire the presence of layman to make a contribution to our ecosystem. Follow me for more or my blog post @adedayoolumide

