"Why Safety Comes First"


There is this saying in my country according to which whatever wealth a generation manages to amass, the future one is able to wreck in quite a few years. I have seen this in quite a few families here, and I believe the saying holds a lot of truth to it.

There's this family in my town who are pretty rich, if not the richest in town. The head of the family started it all from scratch, and now he's the owner of one big hotel with a restaurant and two guest houses with their own restaurants as well. He's made good money, but I don't see his fortune staying around for too long once he passes away.

He has a son and a daughter, and neither of them seems capable enough to take the legacy to the next level. In fact, the way they are spending and their lack of financial education indicates that the family is clearly on the path to messing things up really bad.

I was thinking though... Why don't the Rockefellers end up in such a position? Why don't they or other similar families end up fulfilling the saying according to which whatever one generation manages to amass, the other is able to put to the ground... And the answer is pretty simple.

These people don't go to the same schools as we do, if they go to any public school at all. These guys are schooled at home and are taught what matters, not the nonsense we get stuffed with during school.


Many believe that Elon Musk is the richest man in the world, but I believe he is the richest man in the world that we are allowed to know about. In reality, the families of Rockefeller and Rothschild, among others, are way wealthier than Elon or Bezos would be. And their wealth is preserved because they are educated in preserving it.

We, the masses, on the other hand, are somehow designed to stay poor and limited, and the designers (our teachers) are doing that involuntarily. Since early childhood, we are taught to do well in school, get a diploma, and land a good job with that. One that offers us enough to live well (according to society's standards) and "be safe".

Somehow I have always searched for safety in this regard, but I realize safety will never pave the way for reaching our peak potential in anything. Whether it's sports, money-making, relationships, hobbies, you name it. When you're taking too many safety measures, you're missing out on great opportunities and also on having tons of fun.

Crypto somehow taught me to take more risks and to come to terms with the fact that starting from scratch is always an option and not the end of the world. If pupils in school were taught the same way, most of them would follow their passions instead of chasing comfy and "well-paid jobs," and we would clearly live a whole different life on earth.

School does not encourage exploration and maximizing one's potential. It is designed to create obedient workers who know how to use a PC and fulfill certain tasks without pushing their limits in any way. That's why rich families don't send their kids to public schools.

The kids these days, aside from traditional schooling, have TikTok, Facebook, and all these social media apps, making things even worse. Maybe TikTok is a good educational app for some, but for most of the users, it is one that is rather dumbing them down than lifting them up.

I don't know for sure if the family I mentioned in the introduction will have the outcome I foresee, but if it happens, I would not be amazed by it. I wish you all a happy Monday wherever you might be in the world and see you all next time.

Thanks for your attention,


This is a pretty good lesson to learn. And I believe I'm learning it right. From that understanding, it's better I learn to manage the little I'm able to gather so that my children wouldn't need to go through what I went through
