Out of Shade



Where's that recession some so-called crypto analysts have been rumbling about for about two years since 2022? I see no signs of it, and chances are that it will probably take something like two years or so until we really get there.

Some would argue that some countries such as Germany are already in a "technical recession". Well, my little South Eastern country doesn't seem to be heading there anytime soon. I guess being a consumer-type country instead of an industrial one has its benefits.

I was sitting in the park a few hours ago, and there were literally tens of trucks intersecting each other at that time on a small portion of the road that was visible from where I was at the park. Seeing the roads so crowded and all sorts of places full of people makes me wonder if we will ever have a recession here...


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Maybe the metrics based on which the analysts are trying to predict recessions and economic booms are outdated. Just saying...

The Fed's chairman announced today that there's no cut in sight for the interest rates until they have a clear picture of where inflation is actually at. I bet these guys have no clue about what they're doing over there...

Otherwise, they would not ask BlackRock to put Aladdin to work and tell them what to do with interest in the future. This happened a few good months ago, but it didn't make it into mainstream media. As usual...

Mainstream media is highly manipulated; it has always been. Its only purpose is to serve the powers in charge, and that will only get worse as AI advancements become more and more obvious through all sorts of deep fakes and narrative creation software.



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One should not pay any attention at all to mainstream media, but rather look at who owns the media and thus realize who's actually pulling the strings in the world through media manipulation. Personally, I haven't watched TV in a long time, and that somehow made me a contrarian.

I don't fall for anything that might surface on any of such platforms and try to base my investments and priorities on information I am getting from alternative sources.

Now, I don't know how you guys feel about 2024, but I am very excited. This is probably the bull market when I will make some significant changes for my personal finances, and I won't let any type of noise sidetrack me from following my plan.




Gold is at ATH, SPX is in the same spot, BTC is cooling down after nailing a new ATH a few weeks ago, and there's still plenty of steam left for the markets to go much higher from here. Why would I be worried?

There will be a bear market at some point, but not anytime soon. Meanwhile, the crypto spring is resembling quite accurately the actual spring we get here, and after such a long period of "enduring the cold," it's now time to enjoy the sun. Don't sleep on it for too long though...

After a while, clouds will once again cover the skies, and the harsh cold will be back in town again. Until then, though, enjoy the sun and the bull market we are currently in. Nothing lasts forever. Neither the beautiful spring flowers nor the parabolic rises in crypto...

Have fun wherever you are and see you all tomorrow.

Thanks for your attention,
