Football tournament ⚽ 📸


Good afternoon to all my friends. I hope you all are doing well. I am having a fantastic day. Today morning i woke up early to watch the biggest rivalry of football game between two nearby village teams ⚽ and guess what it was a thrilling game between these two teams. I reached late on the stadium because roads were blocked. Thousands of people came to watch this match and you can see in these pictures. It's fully packed.

Actually it was 2nd day of the tournament. Yesterday i couldn't go there but today i took off from office and went there. So many foreign players also came here to play through different teams and that's why more people came to watch them play and they also didn't disappointed them with their game but our local playes were also too good for them. Few heated moments came in the game and crowd went berserk. Just had my lunch in home and now again i am going there to watch the final. I am sharing few pictures of the match and stadium. Thanks & have a good day!!

