Catochrysops strabo Butterfly

This small butterfly is often seen fluttering over grass, flying and standing on the leaf or twigs with the wings closed. I rarely saw it with open wings which made me wonder how they look like when the wings opened. To shoot this butterfly, I had to stand from a bit distance as it might be disturbed with my presence. Known as Catochrysops strabo (Lycaenidae) is a small butterfly found in Asia that belongs to the lycaenids or blues family. It seems, this butterfly likes to spend time around the bush by flying here and there. This species, as we commonly refer to them, are relatively big and attractive butterflies with the blue pattern on both its wings and tend to fly weakly amongst low shrubbery and grasses.





CameraNikon D7000
LensTamron Tele-Macro 70-300
