RE: On my way to the Arles Train Station, passing where the Lions keep their Watch

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Sincerely, I'm anything but a "city guy". Give my a tiny village or even a lonely hut in the woods or up in the mountains and you'll have me content and happy. 😉
Neverthelsess, you taking us with you on that tour was a nice thing. And finding such historical monuments like these lions pn the former bridge head is always a pleasure! Even more if there were some pictures from the past available when the structure was still in good shape. I do like historical and lost places. It's so much fun to explore them and trying to imagine what these places may have been like back in their time.
So, a big hug and thaks to you for taking us with you! 😍
Take care!


Hi there @aaskablackwolf :)

Sincerely, I'm anything but a "city guy". Give my a tiny village or even a lonely hut in the woods or up in the mountains and you'll have me content and happy. 😉

I couldn't agree more, I vote for that plan... except that I'm a city guy that thought he would have succeed to escape sooner 😂 Now thing are coming in the right direction, but well... took almost ten years !

I'm glad you enjoyed this city tour and of course, the pleasant thing about this place is that it's about 100x smaller than Paris ^^ !

Thank you, I hope you're doing good, take care as well dear 🌻


Everything's fine as long as you know what you want. 😉

Sure that place was much less crowded than Paris. 🤣 Would be somewhat crazy if not...

I'm doing fine so far, thanks. Just being on a business trip to eastern Germany and had a good time here. Now I'm waiting for my overnight bus back home.
I hope you're doing great as well!?


For sure, and now : I want to get out of the cities hehe :D
But with countryside house, hopefully, we'll soon !

Nice, how long did you stay in Germany ?

Here, everything is fine too, thanks ! I'm packing some stuff for a first move at the house, I must say we're quite impatient ^^

Have a lovely day @aaskablackwolf, hope too that your bus journey was not too long !


It was just one day. But with a nice dinner at an italian restaurant with some colleagues. So still quite enjoyable despite the short stay. 🤗
The trip back was quite fine with only minor delay due to some traffic jam shortly before my destination.

Oh, that sounds promising! And I do understand you being somewhat impatient. I'd be as well in your situation. 🤭 Looking forward to some more posts around your new home then! All the best for your move and with eventually living there!

Have a beautiful weekend @anttn


Sorry for answering lately :)

Yeah, I'm also impatient to share some articles from the garden and close areas !

Have a lovely day dear @aaskablackwolf ✌️
